首页 导航 新闻 导航 商学院信管系钱共鸣教授发表的论文荣获《JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS 》年度最佳现象分析奖

商学院信管系钱共鸣教授发表的论文荣获《JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS 》年度最佳现象分析奖


近日,商学院信管系钱共鸣教授在国际权威学刊《世界商业杂志》(Journal of World Business)发表的题为"一带一路倡议,文化摩擦和种族渊源对中国中小企业出口业绩的影响”(The Belt and Road lnitiativecultural Friction and Ethnicity: Their Effects on the Export Performance of SMEs in China)的论文,荣获该期刊年度最佳现象分析奖(Best Phenomenon Based Paper Award) .



China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has provided Chinese firms with significant incentives to speed up the pace of internationalization. Yet very little international business (IB) research has been found to empirically examine such policy effects. This study explores this important issue using Chinese firms of different ethnicities in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China. We propose that the BRI has a positive formal institutional effect on the export performance of XUAR firms that target the “Belt” countries.Both cultural friction and ethnicity serve as the unique cultural contingencies that moderate the relationship between the BRI and export performance. More specifically the cultural friction that results from the process of internationalization will negatively affect the export performance prompted by the BRI. The Uygur-owned firms will benefit more from the BRI due to their cultural similarity. Overall the study takes the lead in investigating both internal conditions and external environments that promote and inhibit the internationalization process of small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in the XUAR that are geographically close to the “Belt” countries. The findings help enrich the understanding of the dual “push” and “drag” effects on the outcomes of SMEs’international activities due to the government-led initiatives and the understanding of micro-foundation toward internationalization from an ethnicity perspective.



        钱共鸣教授为南方科技大学商学院长聘教授,原香港中文大学管理学系系主任。 他在众多国际、国内学界的学术组织担任工作,包括国际最高学刊的编委及国内学刊的学术顾问,国际最高学术会议的共同主席,中国大陆及港澳台、欧美国家与地区的学术评审专家。钱共鸣教授给本科生,硕士生和博士生讲授国际商务导论、跨国公司管理等有关主干课程。同时讲授面向MBA与EMBA相关课程,受到普遍的好评。
