首页 导航 新闻 导航 商学院信管系郭悦副教授科研成果荣获国际管理学会2020年会最佳论文奖”Best Paper” for OCIS

商学院信管系郭悦副教授科研成果荣获国际管理学会2020年会最佳论文奖”Best Paper” for OCIS


近日,商学院信管系郭悦副教授在国际顶级信息系统会议(ICIS:International Conference on Information Systems )发表的论文:The Role of Workgroups on User Participation in Enterprise Social Media荣获美国管理学会(AOM:Academy of Management)2020年年度会议最佳论文(OCIS:组织沟通与信息系统类)。

国际管理学会AOM成立于1936年,是全球管理学领域历史悠久、最负盛名的学术组织,在全球120多个国家拥有两万多会员,会刊包括Academy of Management Review、Academy of Management Journal等管理学顶级期刊。AOM会议每年举办一次,是管理学最高水平的国际学术盛会,也是全球管理学领域学科门类齐全、历史悠久、学者参与人数最多的学术会议。组织沟通与信息系统学(Organizational Communication & Information Systems)是AOM的一个分支。

郭悦副教授主要研究方向为电子商务大数据营销、共享经济、数字化旅游和企业创新等管理信息系统交叉学科研究方向。其撰写的电子商务案例和社区网络软件案例被哈佛案例库录用,其研究结果先后发表在HBR(国际知名的哈佛商业评论期刊)、JMIS、ISJ、I&M等国际一流期刊及ICIS、HICSS 等顶级会议论文集,包括获得美国阿拉巴马大学商学院最佳论文奖。



Increasing number of firms are adopting enterprise social media (ESMs) however it is unclear whether and how it enables better communication. In this paper we focus on the workgroups feature that allows firms to segment users by relevance. While companies create workgroups under the expectation that users would be more willing to participate overall effects of workgroups on ESM participation unclear. Online groups help to frame the online discussions around relevant work content to their users however it is also true that the rigid communication structure of workgroups works against casual personal style of communication that social media sites have. The analysis shows that users participate more after workgroups are instituted and especially managers are the main group of users who stand to benefit from the feature of workgroups. Our study addresses a theoretical paradox revolving around the ambiguous impact of workgroup features on user participation on ESMs.