首页 导航 学术科研 导航 研究成果 导航 南科大信管系李少波助理教授的研究成果被Journal of Consumer Research期刊接收

南科大信管系李少波助理教授的研究成果被Journal of Consumer Research期刊接收


近日,南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系李少波助理教授的文章Sizes Are Gendered: The Effect of Size Cues in Brand Names on Brand Stereotyping被商科顶级期刊Journal of Consumer Research接收并即将发表。这是南科大商学院在市场营销领域被接受的首篇UTD顶刊论文。该文合作者有Kuangjie Zhang Sharon Ng。


Size cues are increasingly common in brand names (e.g. Xiaomi and Mini Cooper) but scant research has investigated whether and how brand name size cues influence consumers’ perceptions. In this research we show that a brand name size cue can evoke a gender association which subsequently affects consumers’ perceived warmth and competence of the target brand. Across seven studies we provide converging evidence that brands with a size cue of smallness in the name are perceived to be warmer but less competent while those with a size cue of bigness are perceived to be less warm but more competent. A combination of measurement-of-mediation and moderation-of-process approaches provide converging support for the role of gender associations underlying the effect of brand name size cues on consumers’ brand perceptions. This research also shows that brand name size cues can have diverging effects on the perceived warmth of the brand versus of the product. Finally we rule out alternative accounts based on perceived market power and firm size.