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南科大信管系柯玮玲的研究成果在Information Systems Research期刊发表


近日,南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系柯玮玲教授的文章“User Competence with Enterprise Systems: The Effects of Work Environment Factors”在Information Systems Research期刊发表。


Enterprise System (ES) is an organization-wide IT system that embeds organizational policies and rules guiding operations. ES users need to not only gain proficiency in interacting with the system but also develop competence to obtain faithful representations of business processes from the system and act upon such information effectively. Thus the extent to which an organization can extract value from ES depends on an employee’s potential to use the ES to its fullest extent to accomplish job tasks i.e. user competence. Anchoring our study to the job demands-resources model we examine how work contextual factors namely the job demands (i.e. work overload) and three job resources (i.e. leader-member-exchange (LMX) traditional support structures and peer support structures) can facilitate the development of user competence. Based on a longitudinal survey from users in six organizations that have implemented the same ES we gained two insights. First we found that all three job resource factors have positive relationships with user competence. Second the results revealed that the relationship between work overload and user competence is moderated by LMX but not the support structures. Overall this research contributes to the extant understanding of organizational information systems by moving from a use-focused model to a competence-development model and providing insights on work contextual factors that can foster competence in using the ES.
