Liming Liu
Chair Professor
Logistics and supply chain management
service system management
stochastic models
- Southern University of Science and Technology Department of Information Systems and Management Engineering College of Business Chair Professor 2021 - Present
- Lingnan University Faculty of Business Chair Professor 2011 - 2020
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University Faculty of Business Professor2006 - 2011
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Assistant/Associate Professor 1993 - 2006
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) School of Management Lecturer 1990 - 1991
- University of Toronto Ph.D. Industrial Engineering/Operations Research 1990
- Huazhong Institute of Technology (Now HUST) M.Eng. Engineering Management 1983
- Huazhong Institute of Technology (Now HUST) B.Eng. Ship Building Engineering 1980
- The Bright Side of Price Volatility in Global Commodity Procurement”, Management Science, , 2024 (with Xing W, Zhang F, Zhao Q
- Bilateral Transshipment Between Competing Retailers, Naval Research Logistics, 70 (3), 509-521, 2023 (with Fu Q, Shang W)
- Follow the Crowd with Unknown Service Rate, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 25 (1), 341-352, 2023 (with Yang L, Shang W)
- Operational Hedging or Financial Hedging? Strategic Risk Management in Commodity Procurement, Production and Operations Management 31 (8), 3233-3263, 2022 (with Xing W, Ma S, Zhao X)
- Price Delegation or Not? The Effect of Heterogeneous Sales Agents under Asymmetric Information, Production and Operations Management 30 (5), 1350-1364, 2021 (with Chen J, Huang H, Xu H)
- Push vs. Pull: Inventory-Leadtime Tradeoff for Managing System Variability, European Journal of Operational Research 287 (1), 119-132, 2020 (with Xu H, Zhu X)
- Procurement Auctions with Uncertain Satisfaction Risk, Production and Operations Management 28 (5), 1206-1221, 2019 (with Huang H, Parker, G. K., Tan, R., Xu H.)
- Effects of Downstream Entry in a Supply Chain with a Spot Market, IIE Trans. 51 (10), 1110-1127, 2019 (with Xing W, Zhang Q, Zhao X)
- The multi-criteria constrained shortest path problem, Transportation Research Part E 101, 13-29, 2017 (with Shi N, Zhou S, Wang F, Tao Y)
- Sell through a local retailer or operate your own store? Channel structure and risk analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society 67 (2), 325–338, 2016 (with Niu B, Wang J)
- Evolving competition between Hong Kong and Shenzhen ports, Maritime Policy & Management 42, 1-17, 2015 (with Tian X, Wang S)
- More Than a Second Channel? Supply Chain Strategies in B2B Spot Markets, European Journal of Operational Research 239, 699-710, 2014 (with Xing W, Wang S)
- Development of a container port system in Pearl River Delta: path to multi-gateway ports, Journal of Transport Geography 28 (1), 30-38, 2013 (with Liu L, Wang KT, Yip TL)
- Service and price competitions facing pragmatic customers, Production and Operations Management 21 (4), 747-760, 2012 (with Li L, Jiang L)
- Post-entry container port capacity expansion, Transportation Research B 46(1), 120-138, 2012 (with Luo M, Gao F)
- An Optimal policy for dynamic joint price and leadtime quotation, Operations Research 59 (6), 1523-1527, 2011 (with Feng J, Liu X)
- Promised delivery time and capacity games in time competition, Management Science 57(3), 599-610, 2011 (with Shang W)
- Rolling-horizon replenishment − policies and performance, Naval Research Logistics 57,489-502, 2010 (with Lian Z, Zhu X)
- Markovian iterative method for degree distributions of growing networks, Physical. Review E 82 (3), 031105, 2010 (with Shi D, Zhou H)
- An econometric analysis of the container shipping market, Maritime Policy and Management 36 (5), 507-523, 2009 (with Luo M, Fan L)
- A tandem network with MAP inputs, Operations Research Letters 36, 189-195, 2008 (with Lian Z)
- Pricing and leadtime decisions in a decentralized supply chain, Management Science 53, 713–725, 2007 (with Parlar M, Zhu X)
- Dynamic competitive newsvendors with service sensitive demands, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 9, 84-93, 2007 (with Shang W, Wu S)
- Degree distributions of evolving networks, Europhysics Letters 76 (4), 731-737, 2006 (with Shi D, Zhu X, Zhou H)
- A profit sharing scheme for a two-firm joint venture, European Journal of Operational Research 170, 277-292, 2006 (with Du L, Hu Q)
- Discrete-time models for common lifetime inventory systems, Mathematics of Operations Research 30, 718-732, 2005 (with Lian Z, Neuts M)
- A Markov chain-based numerical method for calculating network degree distributions, Physical Review E 71, 036140 (1-9), 2005 (with Shi D, Chen Q)
- Dynamic traffic control for web-server networks, Computer Networks, 45/4, 523-536, 2004 (with Lu Y)
- Analysis and optimization of multi-stage inventory-queues, Management Science 50, 365-380, 2004 (with Liu X, Yao D D)
- Resource allocation in multi-site service systems with inter-site customer flow, Management Science 49, 1739-1752, 2003 (with Chao X, Zheng S)
- Commonality and postponement in multi-stage assembly systems, European Journal of Operational Research 142, 523-538, 2002 (with Ma S, Wang W)
- Throughput, flow time, and service level in an unreliable assembly system, European Journal of Operational Research 135, 602-615, 2001 (with Yuan X M)
- (s, S) continuous review models for inventory with fixed lifetimes, Operations Research 47, 150-158, 1999 (with Lian Z)
- Inventory systems of finite storage lifetimes, Naval Research Logistics 46, 39-56, 1999 (with Shi D H)
- Dynamic and static job allocation for multi-server systems, IIE Transactions 30, 845-854, 1998 (with Liu X)
- Service constrained inventory models with random lifetimes and lead times, Journal of the Operational Research Society 48, 1022-1028, 1997 (with Cheung K L)
- Busy period in
, Journal of Applied Probability 33, 815-829 (with Shi D)
- Departures in
, Queueing Systems 19, 399-419, 1995 (with Templeton JGC)
- Autocorrelations in infinite server batch arrival queues, Queueing Systems 13, 571-595, 1993 (with Templeton JGC)
- The
system: system size, Queueing Systems 8, 323-356, 1991 (with Templeton JGC)
- On the
system, Journal of Applied Probability 27, 671-683, 1990 (with Kashyap BRK, Templeton JGC)
- (s, S) continuous review models for inventory with random lifetimes, Operations Research Letters 9, 161-167, 1990
- The service system with impatient customers, Queueing Systems 2, 362-372, 1987 (with Kashyap BRK, Templeton JGC)