

Corporate Hedging, Contract Rights, and Basis Risk

Presenter: 姜正瑞教授

Inviter: 李少波

Time: 2023-04-07 10:00

Place: 商学院558会议室

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The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence From the Chonsei System

Presenter: 芝加哥大学 张翼东教授

Inviter: 金李

Time: 2023-04-03 14:30

Place: 商学院557会议室

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Agent-based models of financial bubbles: 1) A generic mechanism for financial bubbles due to Non-Normal Interactions and 2) Dragon riders and dragon slayers: How market intervention can prevent bubbles and crashes

Presenter: Prof. Didier Sornette

Inviter: 王树勋

Time: 2023-03-20 16:20

Place: 商学院103

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How Does Online Review Affect New Product Adoption? Investigating the Roles of Self-Construal and Product Newness

Presenter: 杨志勇

Inviter: 李少波

Time: 2023-03-17 09:29

Place: Zoom

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【讲座通知】亚利桑那州立大学 Yuri Tserlukevic教授

Presenter: Yuri Tserlukevic教授

Inviter: 严硕

Time: 2023-03-07 09:24

Place: 商学院558会议室

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The Statistical Limit of Arbitrage

Presenter: 修大成教授

Inviter: 王新杰教授

Time: 2023-02-22 10:00

Place: 腾讯会议

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Remote Auditing and Audit Quality: Evidence from the Field

Presenter: 吴东辉

Inviter: 吴联生

Time: 2022-06-08 14:00

Place: Tencent ID: 951901227

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Do Hedge Funds Hedge? Evidence from Risk Gap

Presenter: Yong Chen

Time: 2022-04-26 10:20

Place: Liyuan Building 2, Room 206

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Helpful or Harmful? Negative Behavior Toward Newcomers and Welfare in Online Communities

Presenter: Florian Pethig (University of Mannheim)

Inviter: 柯玮玲

Time: 2022-02-21 16:45

Place: Zoom: pwd=TUQvR2tvZVgvWWtxRlNqUklTUGt0UT09 ID:644-485-8957 密码:297563

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Performance Evaluation, Managerial Hedging, and Contract Termination

Presenter: Jiuneng Ju

Inviter: Zhaojun Yang

Time: 2021-10-18 09:30

Place: Tencent Meeting (ID: 134 747 129)

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