资产定价(Asset pricing) 衍生品定价(Derivative Pricing) 投资组合选择(Portfolio Choice) 机器学习和金融大数据分析(Machine Learning and Financial Big Data Analysis)
1. Out-of-sample Equity Premium Prediction: The Role Option-implied Constraints (with Yunqi Wang) Journal of Empirical Finance, 2023, 70, 199-226
2. Macroeconomic Expectations and Expected Returns (with Yizhe Deng and Yunqi Wang) Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2024 Forthcoming, DOI: 10.1017/S0022109024000279
3. 高阶矩风险与市场收益:来自中国期权市场的证据 (与王云奇合作) 管理科学学报,2024, 27(05), 122-140
4. 基于时变隐马尔可夫机制转换模型的多资产配置研究 (与李仲飞,胡家啓合作) 系统工程理论与实践, 接受
5. International Stock Return Predictability: The Role of U.S. Volatility Risk (with Yizhe Deng Fuwei Jiang and Yuqi Wang)
6. Optimal Portfolio Choice under Parameter Uncertainty and Return Predictability (with Yunqi Wang)
7. On the Optimal Combination of Portfolio Strategies (with Yifan Ye)
8. Which Factors Matter for the Pricing Kernel? (with Bin Luo and Guofu Zhou)
9. There is No Place to Hide: Tail Risk Connectedness among Equity Anomalies (with Di Zhang)
10. Can Conditioning Information Add Value in Portfolio Choice: An Out-of-Sample Analysis (with Qiqian Li) Submitted
11. Term Structure of Recession Probabilities and the Cross-Section of Asset Returns
12. Forward-Looking Tail Risk Measures (with Markus Huggenberger and Chu Zhang)
粤港澳大湾区建设背景下股市尾部风险的预测与防范研究, 广东省哲学社会科学十三五规划学科共建项目, 主持,进行中
股市尾部风险的前瞻性预测方法及其应用——基于中美英股市的对比及应用研究,深圳市自然科学基金稳定支持计划, 主持,结题
希尔伯特变换方法定价金融衍生品,国家自然科学基金青年项目 ,参与,结题
期权价格隐含的尾部风险及其信息含量研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 ,参与,进行中
2015 澳大利亚金融与银行会议博士生最佳论文 (三等奖)
2020 金融系统工程和风险管理年会优秀论文
2020 第二届中国(横琴)国际高校量化金融大赛总决赛优秀指导教师二等奖
2021 中国青年衍生品论坛(第二届)最佳论文
2024 中国国际风险论坛和中国金融评论联合会议 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Research Excellence Award
Email: zhout at sustech.edu.cn
Tel: (0755) 8801 8610